P1- French 8
jeudi, le dix-neuf décembre
We started with a binder clean, then I gave you some time to play verb slap. We did our verb quiz, then we reviewed the homework and constructing sentences. You had the rest of class to create a family tree of your own and construct sentences explaining who they are. This last assignment was for marks!
None :)
mercredi, le dix-huit décembre
We started with a kahoot, then we did our vocab matching quiz. We spent the rest of class doing practice with family trees.
1. Verb quiz on avoir, être and ER verbs Thursday
mardi, le dix-sept décembre
We started with a warmup, then we did some more practice with family trees. We did a listening activity, then we did some conversation with families. We did some mad minutes on the 3 verbs, then played a game to help with vocab.
1. Vocab matching quiz Wednesday
2. Verb quiz on avoir, être and ER verbs Thursday
lundi, le seize décembre
We started with a review of the new vocab and their pronunciations. We then did some mad minutes practicing avoir, être and ER verbs. We then did some puzzles to practice the vocab. We praticed the vocab with a gimkit, then we ended the class with a Simpsons family tree practice.
1. Vocab matching quiz Wednesday
2. Verb quiz on avoir, être and ER verbs Thursday
vendredi, le treize décembre
We started with BINGO, then we did our avoir quiz. We practiced both avoir and être together, then we started learning about family members. We ended the day with gimkit.
None :)
jeudi, le douze décembre
We started with a verb conjugation warmup of avoir, then we did our frequency written assessment. I did a quick homework check, then we did some more practice with er + infinitives. We ended the day with a kahoot on avoir, or être.
1. Avoir quiz Friday
mercredi, l'onze décembre
We started with a verb conjugation warmup of avoir, then we did our ER verb conjugations quiz. I did a quick homework check, then gave you time to finish/correct your frequency sentences for tomorrow's assessment. We learned how to use verbs and infinitives, then practiced them.
1. J'aime ca parts A-C
2. Frequency sentences written Thursday
3. Avoir quiz Friday
mardi, le dix décembre
We started with a verb conjugation warmup, then I did a quick homework check. We did some listening practice with frequency, then we practiced constructing sentences. These sentences need to be done for tomorrow so we can do a group edit! It's only 5 sentences. They will help you prepare for Thursday's written assessment. Finally, I introduced avoir.
1. Finish 5 frequency sentences for tomorrow!
2. ER verbs quiz Wednesday
3. Frequency sentences written Thursday
4. Avoir quiz Friday
lundi, le neuf décembre
We started with a verb conjugation warmup, then I did a quick homework check. We learned frequency terminology, and how to use it. We also took a quick look at how to ask questions. We did some practice with the ferquency, then we did some conversation practice. We ended the day with verb slap.
1. Finish frequency sentences
2. ER verbs quiz Wednesday
3. Frequency sentences written Thursday
4. Avoir quiz Friday
vendredi, le six décembre
We started with a round of BINGO, then we did our second verb drill. We reviewed the homework, then did a little more practice with ER verbs. You had the rest of class to play verb slap.
1. Finish both sides of la pratique!
2. ER verbs quiz Wednesday
jeudi, le cinq décembre
We started with a verb drill warmup, then we reviewed the homework. We went over how to translate in Frenhc, and the true meaning of translation. Next, we did some practice. We ended the day with a new verb game: verb slap.
1. Finish the first side of the translation practice.
2. ER verbs quiz Wednesday
mercredi, le quatre décembre
We started with a gimkit warmup, then we did our listening quiz. We did some more practice with the ER verbs. If you had time left over, you got to play a dice game.
1. Finish the long ER verbs sheet.
mardi, le trois décembre
We started with a warmup on être, then we did our verb meanings quiz. We did some puzzles practicing both er verbs and être, then we did some listening practice. We ended the day with a verb dice game.
1. ER verbs meanings listening quiz Thursday
lundi, le deux décembre
We started with a warmup on ER verb meanings, then we did a practice quiz on ER verb meanings. We did a homework check, and finished the rest of the booklet. We played a gimkit practicing ER verb conjugations, then I helped you study for tomorrow's quiz.
1. ER verb meanings matching quiz tomorrow
2. ER verbs meanings listening quiz Thursday
vendredi, le vingt-neuf novembre
We started with BINGO, then we did a verb unscramble activity. We learned how to conjugated ER verbs with a song as well. I gave you a practice booklet, and assigned the first 2 pages.
1. ER verb meanings matching quiz Tuesday
2. ER verbs practice parts A-E due Monday
jeudi, le vingt-huit novembre
We started with a matching warmup, then we played a gimkit on the vocab. We did some practice with the vocab, then went over the answers. We ended the day with verb power (the game).
1. ER verb meanings matching quiz Tuesday
mercredi, le vingt-sept novembre
We started with a quick round of gimkit, then we reviewed the homework. We did some more practice with ER verbs, then ended the day with a game.
1. ER verb meanings matching quiz Tuesday
mardi, le vingt-six novembre
We started with two rounds of gimkit to make up for Friday's debacle. We then learned the last batch of ER verbs, and did some practice with it.
I handed out flashcards-- it is up to you to cut them up/write the French words on the back if you think they could be a good study tool.
1. Finish filling in the ER verbs with the pictures
vendredi, le vingt-deux novembre
We started with a round of BINGO, then we did our listening assessment on prepositions. We reviewed the ER verbs from yesterday, then we learned the second batch of vocab. Because the internet was down, we weren't able to do gimkit. You opted to do your reading quiz today as well so you didn't have to study over the weekend.
None :)
jeudi, le vingt-et-un novembre
I gave you some time to review your notes and the hand dance before we did our vocab quiz. We did some conversation practice with schedules, then I introduced the next unit. We ended the class with a round of gimkit.
1. Listening quiz on prepositions Friday
2. Reading quiz on prepositions Tuesday
mercredi, le vingt novembre
We started with a kahoot on prepositions, then we went over the homework from yesterday. We finished the listneing from yesterday as well. You then had the rest of class to practice prepositions to prepare for tomorrow.
*Report cards went out today!
1. Prepositions vocab quiz tomorrow
2. Listening quiz on prepositions Friday
3. Reading quiz on prepositions Tuesday
mardi, le dix-neuf novembre
We started with the hand dance, and recognizing the vocab at random. We then reviewed the homework from yesterday. We completed the sentences on your blue notes, then did a listening practice activity. To end the day, we played gimkit.
1. Sentences 7-14 due tomorrow
2. Prepositions vocab quiz pushed to Thursday
3. Listening quiz on prepositions pushed to Friday
4. Reading quiz on prepositions pushed to Tuesday
lundi, le dix-huit novembre
We started with a review of the content, and I gave you back your paragraphs. We did some more practice with the prepositions, and a listening activity. I am hoping to wrap up prepositions this week! That means there are quizzes coming, and you need to practice.
1. Prepositions card questions due tomorrow
2. Prepositions vocab quiz Wednesday
3. Listening quiz on prepositions Thursday
4. Reading quiz on prepositions Friday
vendredi, le quinze novembre
We started with a round of BINGO, then we did our vocab quiz. I gave you ten minutes to practice the hand dance, then you did some puzzles. We ended the day with gimkit.
1. Puzzles due Monday
jeudi, le quatorze novembre
We started with a warmup of sentences unscrambles, then we corrected the homework. I taught you the prepositions vocab, and a hand dance that goes with it. Go to the "Extra Links" tab and click on "Prep. Video" to practice. While you were playing gimkit, I did your conversation assessments.
1. Vocab quiz tomorrow!
mercredi, le treize novembre
We started with a warmup of sharing classes we like/don't like in French, then we did our written assessment. I gave you some time to clean out your binders, then we continued practicing likes/dislikes. You then had a few minutes to practice sharing about yourself in French for tomorrow's assessment.
1. Finish j'aime les matières worksheet
2. Conversations assessment Thursday
3. Vocab quiz Friday
mardi, le douze novembre
We started with a round of gimkit, then we did our first written assessment attempt. We did some listening practice, then we did some more practice with the new vocab. I gave you the last few minutes of class to practice your conversations.
1. Written assessment tomorrow
2. Conversations assessment Thursday
3. Vocab quiz Friday
vendredi, le huit novembre
We started with a round of BINGO, then we did some written practice. We did some practice with the school subjects, then we had the rest of the class to practice the conversation.
My advice to you:
-Fix up your paragraph, OR write one if you haven't done so.
-Write out in point form what you want to say on a cue card
-Practice saying it.
On the day of the real conversation, you will not be allowed to have any notes in front of you. So practice how you need to-- use your paragraph (preferably just the point form cue card). We will be doing this for real on Thursday.
1. Practice saying your paragraph from memory
jeudi, le sept novembre
We started with a warmup on the vocab, then I handed back your sentences from yesterday. I gave you a few minutes to look over your mistakes, then we did some practice on school subjects. I then introduced the conversation assessment, which is coming up next week.
My advice to you:
-Fix up your paragraph, OR write one if you haven't done so.
-Write out in point form what you want to say on a cue card
-Practice saying it.
On the day of the real conversation, you will not be allowed to have any notes in front of you. So practice how you need to-- use your paragraph (preferably just the point form cue card). We will be doing this for real on Wednesday.
1. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
2. Fix up your paragraph (or write one if not done)
3. Practice saying your paragraph from memory
mercredi, le six novembre
We started with some puzzles on the vocab we learned yesterday, then we re-visited writing. I helped you plan out a paragraph about yourself, then you wrote one for real. I will mark them and hand them back tomorrow.
1. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
mardi, le cinq novembre
We started with a warmup, then we started the next unit. We played a gimkit on it, then we did our quiz on adjective agreement.
Since we didn't have time for writing today, we will be doing that tomorrow. Be prepared for some conversation, too!
1. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
lundi, le quatre novembre
We started with a wordsearch warmup, then we did our listening assessment. We did some written practice on describing people, then I helped you study for tomorrow's quiz.
1. Adjective agreement quiz tomorrow
2. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
vendredi, le premier novembre
We started with BINGO, then we continued to practice adjective agreement. We did a listening practice assessment (the real thing is on Monday), and ended with a gimkit.
1. Adjectives listening assessment Monday
2. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
jeudi, le trente-et-un octobre
We started with a warmup game, then we did our être quiz. We learned about ne...ni...ni, and practiced that. We did some writing using adjective agreement, then ended the day with gimkit.
1. Être quiz on Thursday--practice!
2. Adjectives listening assessment pushed to Monday
3. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
mercredi, le trente octobre
We started with an être mad minute, then we went over yesterday's homework. We continued to practice adjective agreement and plurals, then we ended with a listening practice.
1. Être quiz on Thursday--practice!
2. Adjectives listening assessment Friday
3. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
mardi, le vingt-neuf octobre
We started with a warmup, then we learned about plural agreement and adjectives. We did some practice with that, then we did some conversation. To end the day, we did another mad minute on être.
1. Être quiz on Thursday--practice!
2. Adjectives listening assessment Friday
3. Marks cutoff Nov. 8th
lundi, le vingt-huit octobre
We started with a warmup, then I gave you some time to finish the homework before going over the answers. We did a mad minute on être, then we did a listening activity on adjectives and gender. We did some conversation practice on describing people, then we practiced être on a website called conjuguemos.
1. Être quiz on Thursday--practice!
jeudi, le vingt-quatre octobre
We started with a warmup game, then we practiced adjective agreement. I taught you être, then we played a gimkit to practice. I gave you a practice sheet to complete on être and pronouns.
1. Finish page 1 and every 2nd question on page 2
mercredi, le vingt-trois octobre
We started with a dominoes warmup, then we did our adjective meanings quiz. We reviewed the homework from yesterday, then we did some practice with saying adjectives in their different forms.
mardi, le vingt-deux octobre
We started with puzzles, then reviewed the concepts from yesterday. We finished the notes, then we did some practice with adjective agreement. I introduced the pronouns to you, then we practiced those.
1. Vocab Quiz on adjective meanings Wednesday
2. Finish both sides of the pronouns practice!
lundi, le vingt-et-un octobre
We started with puzzles, then reviewed the vocab. We learned the nationalities and some question phrases, then played a gimkit to solidify those concepts. I started to get into explaining how adjective agreement works, and will continue with that tomorrow.
*I have to start writing report cards in 2 weeks. It is important to come make up missed assessments!!
1. Vocab Quiz on adjective meanings Wednesday
vendredi, le dix-huit octobre
We started with BINGO, then we went over yesterday's writing assessment. We did some puzzles practicing the adjectives, then we learned about physical characteristics. I gave you the next set of notes on physical descriptions, then we ended the day with gimkit.
jeudi, le dix-sept octobre
We started with a gimkit, then we did our written assessment. We did some practice with our new vocab from yesterday, and ended the day with a self-reflection sheet on which adjectives best describe us.
mercredi, le seize octobre
We started with a review of the homework, then continued practicing our sentence structures. We started the vocab on the next unit, then we played a gimkit.
1. Writing assessment on "there is/isn't" tomorrow!
2. Parent-Teacher Conferences tonight :) Hope to see you there!
mardi, le quinze octobre
We started with a binder clean, and got into our new seating arrangement. We did a warm-up activity recalling school vocab, then some writing practice. To end the class, we did the Kahoot we didn't get to on Friday.
1. Finish page 3 in Louise's room booklet.
vendredi, l'onze octobre
We started with BINGO, then we did our articles quiz. We did some sentence structuring, then we learned numbers 101-10 000.
1. Happy Thanksgiving!
jeudi, le dix octobre
We started with a gimkit on articles, then we did our listening quiz on school objects. We did a practice quiz to prepare for tomorrow, then we had the rest of class to continue practicing the concept.
1. Finish the back side of "les articles" sheet
2. Articles quiz tomorrow!
mercredi, le neuf octobre
We started with a warmup before doing our matching quiz on school supplies. We did a practice listening assessment to prepare for tomorrow, then we did more practice with articles.
1. Finish the first side of "les articles" sheet
2. Vocab listening quiz (T/F) Thursday
3. Articles quiz Friday
mardi, le huit octobre
We started with a double-puzzle warm-up, then reviewed the articles concepts we covered yesterday. We did some more practice with that, then we did some conversation with identifying the class objects.
1. Vocab quiz Wednesday
2. Vocab listening quiz (T/F) Thursday
3. Articles quiz Friday
lundi, le sept octobre
We started with a gimkit warmup, then we did some matching practice with the nouns. We learned about articles in French (masculine, feminine and plural), and started some practice with that. In the remaining class time, I handed out interms.
*If I highlighted the bottom of the page, that is a hint that you need to come to a lunch period or T-Block to make up missed assessments!
1. Vocab quiz Wednesday
2. Vocab listening quiz (T/F) Thursday
3. Articles quiz Friday
vendredi, le quatre octobre
We did or regular BINGO round, then we did our listening quiz on time. We reviewed the notes we took on school supplies, and played a gimkit. To end the day, we cut out our flashcards for conversation next week.
None :)
jeudi, le trois octobre
We did a warm-up activity of telling the time, then we did our time quiz. We did one last listening practice for tomorrow's listening quiz, then we ended the day with a vocab scavenger hunt.
1. Time quiz listening Friday
2. Marks cutoff for interms Friday!
mercredi, le deux octobre
We did a warm-up activity of dominoes, then we reviewed the homework from Friday (you had time to work on it yesterday, too). We did more more written practice and a listening activity before ending the day with gimkit.
1. Time quiz Thursday
2. Time quiz listening Friday
3. Marks cutoff for interms Friday!
mardi, le premier octobre
We started with a warm-up game of connect 4, then we did our numbers matching quiz. We reviewed some of our answers on our time worksheets, then we did some more practice. To end the day, we did some conversation with the time.
1. Time quiz Thursday
2. Time quiz listening Friday
3. Marks cutoff for interms Friday!
vendredi, le vingt-sept septembre
We started with a round of BINGO, then we finished up the notes on time. We pushed the numebrs quiz to Tuesday. We did some rwitten practice on time, then we played gimkit.
1. #s 0-100 quiz pushed to Tuesday!
jeudi, le vingt-six septembre
We started with a numbers warmup, then we did our listening quiz on weather. We did some more practice with numbers, then we started learning how to tell the time in French.
1. #s 0-100 quiz Friday
mercredi, le vingt-cinq septembre
We started with reviewing the quiz we did yesterday, then we did a little review of the colours. We did a practice listening assessment on weather, then we learned numbers 81-100. We practiced those, then ended the day with Kahoot.
1. Student Verification Forms need to be back ASAP
2. Weather Listening Quiz pushed to Thursday
3. #s 0-100 quiz Friday
mardi, le vingt-quatre septembre
We started with conversation with the weather (quel temps fait-il?). We were interrupted with school photos, so we had to slow down a bit. We learned the French colours, and did some colouring activities. Once everyone was back, we did our matching quiz on weather.
1. Student Verification Forms need to be back ASAP
2. Weather Listening Quiz pushed to Thursday
3. #s 0-100 quiz Friday
mardi, le vingt-quatre septembre
We started with conversation with the weather (quel temps fait-il?). We were interrupted with school photos, so we had to slow down a bit. We learned the French colours, and did some colouring activities. Once everyone was back, we did our matching quiz on weather.
1. Student Verification Forms need to be back ASAP
3. Weather Listening Quiz pushed to Thursday
4. #s 0-100 quiz Friday
lundi, le vingt-trois septembre
We started with a gimkit on weather, then we reviewed the pronunciation. We did some more written practice with the material, then we did a practice quiz to prepare you for tomorrow. To end the day, I gave you petites-proches (small folios) for rflashcards so we could engage in conversation tomorrow. (Hint-- great study tool!)
1. Student Verification Forms need to be back ASAP
2. Weather Matching Quiz tomorrow!
3. Weather Listening Quiz Wednesday
4. #s 0-100 quiz Friday
jeudi, le dix-neuf septembre
We started with a review of the vocab on weather, then we did some more written practice. We did some conversation practice with the vocab, then we learned numbers 61-80. We ended the day with gimkit.
None :)
mercredi, le dix-huit septembre
We started with a review of the vocab on weather, then finished the notes. We played a gimkit, then did some written practice. To end the class, we reviewed numbers.
None :)
Tuesday, September 17th
We started with a warm-up on numbers, then we reviewed how to write the date. We did some more practice with that, then went over the answers. We did some conversation practice, then we learned up to 60. To end the day, we started learning weather terminology.
None :)
Monday, September 16th
We started with a round of Gimkit, then we did our spelling assessment. We learned how to write the date, then we did some written practice. To end the day, we learned numbers 32 to 42.
None :)
Friday, September 13th
We started with BINGO (#s review), then we did our numbers spelling quiz. We learned the months of the year, then we did some practice with them. We ended the day with some notes on saying you're welcome, and asking for the date.
1. Spelling quiz Monday
Thursday, September 12th
We started with BINGO (#s review), then we did some practice spelling of numbers. We then did our listening assessment on greetings. Because of the fire drill, we were not able to get to months. We worked on alphabet spelling instead.
1. #s Spelling quiz Friday
2. Spelling quiz Monday
Wednesday, September 11th
We reviewed the days of the week, and did some practice with it. We then did our first quiz on greetings. We did some numbers listening practice, then we did our third practice spelling. Tomorrow, you won't be able to use your alphabet sheet!
1. Greetings, goodbyes and emotions listening quiz Thursday
2. #s Spelling quiz Friday
3. Spelling quiz Monday
Tuesday, September 10th
We played gimkit to practice the concepts we've been covering in class. We did a puzzle on numbers, and reviewed the homework. We did our second spelling practice, and I introduced the days of the week.
1. Greetings, goodbyes and feelings matching quiz Wednesday
2. Greetings, goodbyes and emotions listening quiz Thursday
3. #s Spelling quiz Friday
Monday, September 9th
We got into our new seating plan, then I did a homework check. We learned the French alphabet, and did our first practice spelling test. We did some conversation practice, and I explained how happy stamps will work. We did some written practice on greetings, then I introduced #s 11-31. (We had to go a bit quicker with the numbers to try to catch you up to the other class! That assembly put us behind.)
1. Finish salutations practice sheet.
2.Greetings, goodbyes and feelings matching quiz Wednesday!
Friday, September 6th
We reviewed yesterday's content, then did some written practice with introductions. We did a crossword on numbers, then practiced writing down phone numbers in French. We ended the day with taking some notes on asking how we're feeling and saying goodbye.
1. Get class outlines signed!
2. Finish worksheet on greetings, feelings and goodbyes
Thursday, September 5th
We didn't get to much because we had an assembly. We did a quick exercise on cognates, and I introduced numbers 0-10.
1. Get class outlines signed!
Wednesday, September 4th
We reviewed the expectations from yesterday, and I collected signed papers for the class outline. We then set up our binders, and looked at some of the reasons why we take French. We learned how to ask for basic things in French, and then learned how to introduce ourselves.
1. Get class outlines signed!
2. Spend 5 minutes practicing classroom phrases.
Tuesday, September 3rd
Welcome to French 8! We went over the classroom policies and expectations. I gave you the class outline with a page that needs to be signed by you and your parent!
None :)
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